2008 » August » 05 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for August 5th, 2008

The Tricycle Thief

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
By raincoaster

Miguel Alejandro Monroy, the tricycle thief It’s not exactly Ladri di biciclette, if you know what I mean.

It seems Miguel Monroy here, colloquially known as Loserboy (or at least, among blog readers anyway, and a more discriminating bunch you won’t find anywhere, I tell ya) is a tough guy. A bully. A gangsta.

A tricycle thief.

Police say 21-year-old Miguel Monroy stole the tricycle Saturday evening when a mother and her daughter went into a store. Orem gang task force members then spotted him joyriding down Orem Boulevard on the trike.

He’s facing four charges: the theft, plus giving police three false IDs. If he hadn’t been so conspicuous, cruisin’ the hood on his girly new wheels, they never would have popped him in the first place.

Silly Miguel. Everybody knows what the big boys ride.

Harley Davidson trike. Yes, I said Harleyd Davidson Trike

Miley Monroe strikes again

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
By raincoaster

Is it just me, or is fifteen really too young for a push-up bikini? Another klassik image from Miley Cyrus, the Marilyn Monroe of Myspace.

I shouldn’t complain; at least she’s wearing clothes. Underwear and push-up bikinis, but clothes of a sort. It’s an improvement.

No Children=Selfish?

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
By Glinda


Last week I read a very thought-provoking article by the Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the title being “Disappearing Babies, All-Too-Visible Narcissists.”

Whoa, nothing like taking a stand, is there? Sir, consider the pot to be duly stirred.

In the article, Rabbi Boteach posits the theory that basically, modern society is just too concerned about having a good time to have a lot of children. Having kids requires too much sacrifice, and too much time away from selfish pursuits, such as updating our Facebook status.

With all due respect, Rabbi, you have obviously never met a mommyblogger, because not even children tugging at our arms, begging us to pay them some attention will keep us from saying what we need to say. Not that I am speaking from personal experience, mind you.

However, I will agree that there is beginning to be a certain culture of thinking that children are intrusive and bothersome that worries me. These are the same kind of people that label parents as “breeders.”

But, he even points a finger at someone like myself, who has only one child and who had the audacity to have him in my early thirties. Shame on me, apparently, for not starting when I was twenty and having as many children as I possibly could. He even goes on to keep alive the untruth that only children don’t share as well as those with siblings. Let me tell you something, the only reason children with siblings share most of the time is because their parents give them no other choice, not because of some altruistic motive. Then I think they just sort of eventually give up. I know I did.

Since choosing to have children is the most life-altering thing that could ever happen to you, I would like to think that people arrive at their decision based on more important reasons than losing their free time to update their Facebook status.

And if that is indeed a large factor in their decision making process, frankly I’d rather they not have children anyway.

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