2012 » December » Teeny Manolo

Archive for December, 2012

My Son Has His Own Sense of Fashion (gasp!)

Monday, December 17th, 2012
By Glinda

I knew that the Munchkin needed some new board shorts.   It just so happened that a fairly well-known surf brand was having a sale, so I did a little reconnaissance.

Sure enough, they had a bunch of styles, all at a pretty good price.

I was by myself, and I was tempted to get him the style that I normally buy for him, which tends to be colorful and include some sort of Hawaiian-related floral element. Children Fashion

Because, duh, I’m a girl.

But then I thought to myself that perhaps a nine year old boy would not appreciate flowers on his shorts, and tried to remember that he is definitely at the age where his clothing is being judged, especially by his peers.  Not that there is anything wrong with flowers on board shorts, in my opinion, but they just aren’t really in style in my area of the country right now.

I wound up choosing instead a green-gray  plaid, which also had a very subtle camo element going through the fabric. Normally I despise camo on “civilian” clothing, but ever since my husband took him here, my son has been very pro-military. Which, fine, I’m technically pro-military myself.

He loved them.

He then told me that he was very relieved that I didn’t get him any with flowers, as one of his older friends had been making fun of his other board shorts.  You know, the ones with flowers on them.  And while I am very aware that it was just teasing, and truly kids will tease other kids about pretty much anything, I was glad that for that one moment, I wasn’t THAT MOM.

You know, the one who buys their nine year old boy shorts with flowers on them.

How Soon Is Now

Thursday, December 6th, 2012
By Glinda

Ah, Teeny Manolo.

My first blog here at the Manolosphere, and the one dearest to my heart.  How could it not be, as I would gripe and grumble and brag about my children?  And how could it not be as I have bonded, commiserated, and laughed with all of you over all of our unique and wonderful kiddos.

But unfortunately, I must say goodbye to all of  you.

You have all been so kind, so understanding, so funny, and so full of sage and wonderful advice.

I shall miss you so.

I hope that at some point, I was able to brighten your day a bit.

I have enjoyed all of my time working for the ever-gracious Manolo, and I thank him for employing me, and giving me the opportunity to meet all of you.  I’ve been writing on teh internets since 2005, and this was by far the best place to be. And I thank you, dearest readers, for actually coming to read what this lowly mommyblogger had to say.

It was an honor.

If you ever feel like adding yet another blog to your reading list, I blog as my (real!) self over here.



Ken Burns’ The Dust Bowl

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
By Glinda

Of course, everybody knows the Dust Bowl happened.  And you know, the whole Steinbeck thing.

But if someone had asked me if I knew all of the states in the Dust Bowl and exactly why the Dust Bowl happened and how they got the conditions to change, then  I wouldn’t have been able to give a very good answer.  Oh, something vague and in the ballpark, but not very close.

Then I watched this.

I am a huge fan of Ken Burns, and this documentary utterly fascinated me.  But what can I say, I’m somewhat of a history geek.

This is definitely not the feel-good documentary of the year, and some of the tales of loss will crush your heart.  Even my husband, big tough guy that he is, found himself in tears at some points.  However, there was one survivor who had such perfect timing, and who gave us an enormous laugh where we never expected it.

But the fact is, I had no idea that the scale of the disaster was so huge, so all-encompassing, and I feel like I made up a very large gap in my American History.  I also learned something I found extremely shocking regarding The Grapes of Wrath and the genesis of the novel.

This is definitely appropriate to watch with teens, your MMV.

You Still Have Time to Vote!

Monday, December 3rd, 2012
By Glinda

For 2012’s worst “Toys Oppressive And Destructive to Young Children.”


Destructive is such a strong word, as is oppressive.

What are some of these dastardly things?

Hmmm, you’ll find a Lego Friends product, as well as a Fisher Price toy, and even a ball.

Personally, I kind of hate all of the “smart” Fisher Price toys.  They creep me out.

Voting ends December 5, so hurry!



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