Tuesday Teeny Poll
Tuesday, January 31st, 2012By Glinda
Listen, y’all. I DO NOT know where the days go. One day it’s Friday and the next day it is Monday and I haven’t done what I’m supposed to do. I promise it will get better.
56% of you are very self-reflective in answering that you very well might be a snob. Which, to be honest, means you probably are. Not that I love you any less, of course. 21% vehemently deny the accusation, while 8% answer with an overhwhelming affirmative. The rest of you refused to answer of the grounds of self-incrimination, and that also means that you are a snob, without question.
I would say that I am for some things, and not for others, if that makes any sense. There are things that many people care about very deeply that I couldn’t give two figs about, and there are things that I think are important that nobody thinks of twice. So I guess that means yes.
A school in Pennsylvania recently banned Uggs during school hours. Not because of their blinding ugliness, but because they were being used to store contraband such as cell phones.