I will say it right now, unless the men in your lives have very specific hobbies that they LOVE (i.e. golf) men are quite difficult to buy for. Much more so than they claim to be, anyway. One can only receive so many ties, after all. Even if they are nice ones.
So here is a little guide to help you out a bit.

Buffalo Nickel Tails Side Hand Painted Cuff Links
I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for cuff links. When I was a little girl, I remember going through my parents’ jewelry cases and seeing cuff links and having no idea what they were for. These are real Buffalo Nickels and are a nice departure from your boring old black/silver combination.

James Perse Lounge Long Sleeve Crew
My husband used to be the kind of guy who never wanted to spend more than five bucks on a shirt. I kid you not. So on a daily basis for almost twenty years, my eyes have been assaulted with the most ugly, godawful shirts you could ever have the misfortune of seeing. But about six months ago in a sudden moment of clarity, he decided that life was too short to wear crappy shirts all the time. He felt he deserved a little luxury, a little comfort, even when relaxing at home. And indeed, shouldn’t that be when you feel the most comfortable?

Incase Monochrome Soft Touch Slider Case-4G
What would be more appreciated than a wonderful case for his beloved iPhone?

Pioneer AVIC-Z130BT 7″ In-Dash Navigation AV Receiver with iPod/iPhone Control, Bluetooth, Pandora
Make him the envy of everyone in the neighborhood with this uber cool navigation system from Pioneer. It has everything he could ever want, and maybe some things he never even knew he wanted. Until this came along.

Roku 2 XS 1080p Streaming Player
This little device will allow him to watch almost everything he wants on television, including Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant, Pandora, sports, plus more. Enough, in fact, to keep his butt glued to the couch so that you can have some time to do some more online shopping without any pesky questions being asked.

Logitech Harmony 650 Remote Control
Sick of having five different remote controls for everything? Then this top-rated baby is the solution. Even better is that he will be so enthralled with this gift, he won’t realize it isn’t just for him, technically. You know, like when he buys you a KitchenAid stand mixer. Sure, you love it, but you won’t be the only one eating the results.

Logitech Ultimate Ears 700 Noise-Isolating Earphones
Does he do a lot of traveling? Work in a noisy environment? Or does he just have some really annoying neighbors? His ears will thank you forever.

How to Be A Gentleman
Do you have a certain younger male relative who constantly mistakes family gatherings for frat parties? Then this short, quick, and to the point handy dandy guide is just for him. Gently given advice, but sometimes greatly needed.
Kiehl’s Ultimate Man Body Scrub Soap
Does he want to be the ultimate man? Of course he does! Then get him this soap!