2012 » June » Teeny Manolo

Archive for June, 2012

Misplaced Apprehension?

Thursday, June 28th, 2012
By Glinda

It seems that this little girl is being frightened by someone else entirely.


Photo Credit: Star Foreman

I Wish I’d Thought of That

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
By Glinda

Awwwwwww… Dads and daughters can be so fricking adorable.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, June 25th, 2012
By Glinda

Aaaah, ladies after my own heart! 57% of you never pay retail if you can possibly help it, and 28% say more than they would like, which could be that they don’t pay retail 8% of the time, but that’s still too much for them.  9% say quite a bit, and 4% of you say almost never.  I would say that usually the only thing I pay “retail” for is groceries, but I try to be a bargain shopper as much as possible.  But, I don’t clip coupons.

Now, I’m sure all of you have at least heard about the incident of Karen Klein, school bus monitor, being horribly bullied by some tween and teen boys.  I watched a bit of the video, but had to turn it off after just a few minutes.  People are calling for the kids’ heads, and Karen now has over $500,000 in donations to her name, as well as a trip to Disneyworld.  There is much debate as to who is to blame for what happened, ranging from the parents to the kids to the school district. What do you think?

CDF 2.0

Friday, June 22nd, 2012
By Glinda

My, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these.

Chris Hemsworth beat out Dwayne Wade in our last contest, and of course I’ve got another challenger waiting in the wings.

This actor was sort of flying under my radar, but has done many movies and television shows.  He also is one of the few actors I’ve stumbled across who takes a much better “candid” shot than a formal, perfectly lit one.


Enter Sasquatch

Thursday, June 21st, 2012
By Glinda

It was a well kept secret.

Nobody told me about what would happen to my feet.

Yeah, you know, those things that, prior to the birth of my son used to be a size 8, and are now a size 9 after my daughter.

I had a size 8 foot for many, many years.  I was never informed that pregnancy would cause my feet to both spread and elongate.  For a little while I tried to jam my feet into those 8’s, but barring some drastic measures a la Cinderella’s stepsisters, it wasn’t gonna happen.

When my son was only a few months old I attended a wedding, and it never even entered my mind that I wouldn’t fit into my old heels.  Agonizing hours later, I came to the uneasy conclusion that hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of perfectly good shoes were going to have to be donated.

During the seven years between my son’s and daughter’s births, I managed to build up a fairly sizable selection.

Only to have my hopes dashed again when I tried on my 8.5’s.

So it has been a year or so that I have been devoting to yet another set of shoes that fill all of my needs.

I’m still not finished.

If the shoe industry was smart, they would run ads inspiring women to get pregnant.  Why has nobody pushed this angle before?  Pregnancy equals different shoe size, equals big money for new shoes.  Get on that, shoe industry.  You’re welcome.

The Fruit Boycott of 2012

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012
By Glinda

So I guess this means I should be pretty happy that my two and a half year old daughter refuses to eat any fruit in its fresh form?

She went from eating all kinds of fresh fruit to eating no kinds of fresh fruit.

It’s a phase, Glinda, it’s a phase.

At least it’s a phase where she isn’t exposing herself to organophosphate pesticides, amirite?

Tuesday Teeny Poll

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
By Glinda

Hey, remember last week when I said my computer was fixed?

Well, it wasn’t.  Or at least I did something else to piss it off which also had to be fixed, which we really haven’t determined yet.  Either way, almost a week on the computer, lost. I was given a laptop to ostensibly use, but I hated the thing so much I just glanced at some headlines, glanced at my emails to see if anything big was happening, and hopped off.

So, apologies and onwards and upwards and all that jazz…

My last poll question was regarding cruises, and the majority of responses (45%) said that they hadn’t and had no desire to.  27% haven’t but would like to, and the next two responses of “yes, and it was great” and “I have, but it wasn’t what it was cracked up to be” were split with 13% each.

I must admit wanting to try cruising at least once.  I have my eye on a Disney cruise as soon as my daughter is old enough to stop throwing tantrums, which at this rate might be in five years or so.

Anyhoo, I’ve been shopping a lot lately, and want to know:

Tuesday Teeny Poll

Monday, June 11th, 2012
By Glinda

What’s that, you say?  I wasn’t here Friday or yesterday?

Well, you can blame my computer for that.  Even though it isn’t that old, there was something wrong with the cooling system and we had to get it fixed.


Anyhow, 55% of you say that the best meal you ever ate was in a restaurant, and I would have to agree.  I was lucky enough to be able to enjoy a dinner at the famed Club 33 at Disneyland (thanks, Marc!) for our 3rd wedding anniversary.   Not many people get to go up a French lift to get to their meal. And man, it was good.  My flat iron steak was tasty, but the memory I have of the cheese course still makes my mouth water.

And now, with summer breathing down our necks, I want to know what you think about cruises.  A friend of mine recently took her first cruise with her husband and son, and has already signed up for their next one.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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