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Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, October 29th, 2012
By Glinda

I apologize for my tardy appearance here on the blog.  Can I just say that it’s complicated and leave it at that?  Mostly mental, but some other things thrown in as well that left me completely uninspired and with a fairly severe case of writer’s block.  But I’m back and trying to get into the groove.

Quite a while ago, I asked you if you were a fan of horror movies, and 50% gave an emphatic no.  30% like suspense-type horror, and 15% are good with any type of horror you’ve got.

Today’s question is one that has been rattling around in my brain for a bit, and I am curious to see what the consensus is.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, October 15th, 2012
By Glinda

47% of you luckily have no remodeling experience one way or the other, while 31% of you claim it is one big headache.  21% said it was only a small headache, and not one single person voted for “no headache at all” which is very, very telling.

Today my husband and I received some precious, precious babysitting, and because it was 90-some degrees outside, decided to see a movie.  We saw no less than four horror film trailers before the start of the movie.  Now, I know it’s Halloween season and all that, but I thought four was a bit much.  You see, I am NOT a fan of slasher/gory flicks at all, and I squirmed through most of the trailers with my eyes shielded by my hands.  I can do something like Silence of the Lambs but not something like Final Destination, if that makes any sense.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, October 8th, 2012
By Glinda

38% of you are equally split between loving where you live and hating where you live, which I find interesting.  I think I would love where I live more if we were closer to my husband’s job.  As it stands, he has an hour commute and the price of gasoline is eating us alive.

I asked last week’s question because very soon I will embark on a whole-house remodel of a place we should have moved into months and months ago, but have been prevented by various circumstances not under my control.  A place that is ten minutes away from where my husband works.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, October 1st, 2012
By Glinda

72% of you are experiencing lovely, crisp fall weather. Casa Glinda is experiencing record temperatures and trying not to faint from heatstroke in October.  I think it is supposed to be 102 today.

That is totally wrong.

I apparently need to move to a different state.

Which leads me to the question of the day.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, September 24th, 2012
By Glinda

78% of you felt that a college professor who breastfed her child during a lecture acted inappropriately.  Some of you also disagreed with a sick child being brought to the workplace.  You know, I sort of see that viewpoint, but it just underscores how most women have few options when it comes to childcare, so I’m thinking it could bring attention to their situations.  17% said she was just fine, and only 4% didn’t know what to think.

Yesterday we had my son’s 10th birthday party and it was 99 degrees!

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, August 27th, 2012
By Glinda

So 43% of you are just fine with the Unbaby.me app that removes all bubbeh pics from your Facebook feed.  26% are like, whatever, 17% say if you dislike babies that much, just unfriend the person already, and 13% of you are not even on Facebook.

Today’s question is regarding the recent change in policy to male infant circumcision.  It seems that a peer-reviewed study has shown that the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks, and the AAP is stopping just short of recommending routine infant circumcision.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, August 20th, 2012
By Glinda

77% of you reacted favorably to Harrod’s attempt at a more gender-neutral toy area.  13% said it was easier to shop when there was a clear demarcation between girl and boy toys, and 4% of you didn’t think it was a good idea.  I am all for a bit more neutrality when it comes to the toy section.  Girl things don’t all have to be pink and purple and boy things don’t all have to be blue and green.  I purposely bought my daughter a bunch of “boy” colored toys because all that pink grates on my nerves.  I actually kind of hate pink.

Now I want to now what you think about one of the newest Facebook apps, Unbaby.Me.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, August 6th, 2012
By Glinda

90% of you do not agree with the rather heavy-handed tactics planned by New York City to promote breastfeeding to new moms.  While I think we can all agree that it would be ideal if everybody could breastfeed, the harsh reality is that no, not every single mother can breastfeed.   Whether it be due to health conditions, failure to latch properly, failure to produce enough milk, or simply having to go back to work, breastfeeding is difficult for many.  To assume all mothers should breastfeed exclusively is to not live in reality.

Today I’m sort of excited about this.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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