With all the hoopla surrounding the whole sordid affair of supposed nice-guy Tiger Woods, I can’t help but wonder what the hell he was thinking.
But to be fair, I wonder that about anyone that cheats, especially those that have children. I have always told my husband that if you feel like dipping your ahem, pen, into someone else’s ink, then just please go ahead and divorce me first. Because in my mind, if you are that unhappy in a marriage that you feel the need to cheat, then why stay married at all? Why put your entire family through that?
When the story first broke, I told my husband about Tiger sleeping with a bunch of escorts and strippers and the like. He responded in a fairly typical male Cro-Magnon way of “Yeah, you go Tiger, get it where you can” or some such drivel.
After he regained consciousness, (I kid, I kid) I gave him a stare capable of withering even the staunchest member of the He-Man Women Haters Club. “Oh really,” I said, “Then I can’t wait to see your reaction when your daughter comes to you and tells you her husband cheated on her.” His face fell. “I’m sure you will be the first to call the guy and congratulate him on his success in getting some tail.”
Well of course, when put in that perspective, cheating sounded pretty horrible to him all of a sudden. But it underscores an unfortunate mindset, and my husband is actually one of the most enlightened guys around. I will confess that I will never understand what makes people cheat on their partners, and I say that with the inclusion of women that have affairs as well.
I truly hope that Elin Woods gets half of the $548 million she’s reputed to be looking for. I think she deserves every penny of it.