How Soon Is Now » Teeny Manolo

How Soon Is Now

By Glinda

Ah, Teeny Manolo.

My first blog here at the Manolosphere, and the one dearest to my heart.  How could it not be, as I would gripe and grumble and brag about my children?  And how could it not be as I have bonded, commiserated, and laughed with all of you over all of our unique and wonderful kiddos.

But unfortunately, I must say goodbye to all of  you.

You have all been so kind, so understanding, so funny, and so full of sage and wonderful advice.

I shall miss you so.

I hope that at some point, I was able to brighten your day a bit.

I have enjoyed all of my time working for the ever-gracious Manolo, and I thank him for employing me, and giving me the opportunity to meet all of you.  I’ve been writing on teh internets since 2005, and this was by far the best place to be. And I thank you, dearest readers, for actually coming to read what this lowly mommyblogger had to say.

It was an honor.

If you ever feel like adding yet another blog to your reading list, I blog as my (real!) self over here.



2 Responses to “How Soon Is Now”

  1. Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo Says:

    I love you.


  2. marvel Says:

    GAH! Devastation and heartbreak! Okay maybe not quite like that and perhaps I just need to get out more. But you have been a daily blogcheck for me for years and this is going to be hard to deal with.

    Though I must say, with all that’s going on with your family, I’m suprised you managed to continue blogging as long as you did.

    Good luck with the homeschooling and the speech therapy! I’ll miss your thoughts and links and posts!

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