I really do have to thank Fracas for giving me the chance to let rip with the alliteration (consonance. whatever). Other than that, I really just wanted to point to perhaps the best roundup of resources for parents of preemies on the whole of the internets. Helpful links, a glossary, personal stories and acquired wisdom; it’s all here, beautifully written and elegantly laid out for instant reference.
Check it out for yourself, preemie parent or no; it’s worth a perusal.
< /endsoftieraincoaster > < /endalliteration >
During a time when the medical staff is bound to tell parents of preemies what seems like nothing but bad news and scary realities, what those parents need (and I can attest to this by the search terms ending up here) is hope and to see and hear the positive outcomes for other people out there.
This is what the pdf is about. In the middle of this post is a link to that pdf. You will be able to see pictures of, and read stories of other parents with preemies who faced the same scary situations and have hope and a miracle to show for their faith. The stories were gathered from around the internet, and links to those sites are included. Other links are also included.
Though we both found information, the pdf was a gift of love from LindaC. She created it and has given me permission to upload it here and make it available for anyone else out there who needs some hope.
Please create a bookmark to this post and come back because rather than post repeatedly and have you hopping all over the place looking for what you need, I will just continue adding to this page as I go through my files and find more information.