Friday Caption Contest: ComicCon Edition
Friday, August 1st, 2008By raincoaster
Um, wow. I’m nearly speechless. If you aren’t, put it in the comments section:
from BoingBoing passed along by Glinda
Um, wow. I’m nearly speechless. If you aren’t, put it in the comments section:
from BoingBoing passed along by Glinda
My friends, you never cease to amaze me.
I dare say that this is the only place on the vast internets that would overwhelmingly vote for Stephen Colbert over Brad Pitt.
You passed my little test with flying colors.
And that is why I love you so.
I am going to place Mr. Colbert into the Hall of Fame, which is exactly where he belongs.
And I’m going to give Brad another shot because I know that deep down, you really like those abs, too.