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Archive for the 'The Cuteness Abounds' Category

Some Wednesday Adorableness

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011
By Glinda

Because it’s been a crapper of a week and I just don’t have it in me today.  But, I needed to give you something to get over the hump. And that something would be the adorable chubby cheeks of Laila Ali’s new baby, Sydney.  They just beg for someone to nom on them!

Things I Love: Bubbly Bows

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011
By Glinda

My daughter is a bit young for these yet, as she will pull any barette out of her hair when given the opportunity.  But, I cannot wait until she is a little bit older so that I can put some of these in her hair.  They have so many different kinds of bows, and I adore almost all of them.   And I’m not really what I would call a person given to dress my child up as a “girly girl.”  I just think they are well done and so very creative.   There are a ton, including holiday themed ones, so check them all out!

They are a bit pricey though, so maybe Grandma can find it in her heart to get some for a future birthday.

Ice Cream Cone

Pirate Girl


Little Red Riding Hood

Monkey Face

Ballerina Slippers


L’il Star Wars

Thursday, May 19th, 2011
By Glinda

But, but…

Where is Jar-Jar?

I’m especially fond of young Jabba up there.

Comicscavern via Buzzfeed

The Kids of PS22 Chorus Do it Again

Thursday, March 31st, 2011
By Glinda

Pure awesomeness.

Oh, By the Way…

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010
By Glinda


Reddit via

Katherine Heigl W Cover

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
By Glinda

Even though she is beautiful and her daughter is beautiful, I am not in love with this cover.

Am I wrong in thinking that Naleigh is looking almost resentfully at the camera? 

Things I Love: Luna Luna Copenhagen*

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
By Glinda

Now that I have a daughter, I find it hard to say that I enjoy shopping for her.  I feel it is disloyal to my son to say that, but there are just so many more things for girls than for boys.  It’s unfair, but until I figure out how to design my own clothing line for boys, that’s the way it is.

I recently found Luna Luna Copenhagen, which makes beautiful, simple clothes for girls.  I like them because they do not have all the poufs and froufs (a totally made-up term) that so many girls’ things have.  My daughter is not a poufs and froufs kinda gal.  Are these clothes on the expensive side? Yes.  But I still love them.  These clothes are from their Holiday 2010 and Fall 2010 collections, but they’ve got lots more. 

So gorgeous!

This is practically perfect.

Simple and lovely.


Why was there nothing this awesome when I was growing up?  Eh, my mom probably never would have bought it for me anyway.

*I received no pay or other type of compensation for this review.

Sun, Salutations

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
By Glinda

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