CDF 2.0 » Teeny Manolo

CDF 2.0

By Glinda

I must admit, I am highly enjoying the whole silver fox tangent I have embarked upon.

John Slattery FTW!

Now it could be argued that our next contender is not a true silver fox due to the lack of silver, but I don’t care.


3 Responses to “CDF 2.0”

  1. Awesomemom Says:

    I have had a crush on Patric Stewart since I was a teenager and watching Star Trek with my family.

  2. mamafitz Says:

    i could listen to patrick stewart read the phone book. ~sigh~

  3. Seana Says:

    Not a fair choice, Glinda! This was hard!!! I want them both. Nuff said.

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