The Fruit Boycott of 2012
By GlindaSo I guess this means I should be pretty happy that my two and a half year old daughter refuses to eat any fruit in its fresh form?
She went from eating all kinds of fresh fruit to eating no kinds of fresh fruit.
It’s a phase, Glinda, it’s a phase.
At least it’s a phase where she isn’t exposing herself to organophosphate pesticides, amirite?
June 21st, 2012 at 7:14 am
Eh, we have livers and kidneys for a reason. Also I couldn’t find in the link the level of pesticides detected on the fruit after washing– “still detectable” doesn’t mean “at high enough levels to cause a problem.” And it does depend on which pesticides they are finding, which isn’t clarified in the list.
Do not spray organophosphates all inside your house and then let your infant crawl around the floor. That will indeed lead to organophosphate poisioning. But a little fruit here and there is unlikely to have enough to matter.