Cute or Practical? » Teeny Manolo

Cute or Practical?

By Glinda


A good work friend of my husband’s is having his first baby in July.  He and his then-girlfriend were kind enough to send us a gift card when our daughter was born, so of course I am going to get them something.

But what?

I’m torn because I know that as a first-time mom, she will definitely need a bunch of “practical” items, some of them she may or may not even know she needs yet.

I sort of pride myself on being the person who can be counted on to get a useful baby gift, rather than some weird baby book that the person might not even like, or things like thick, wintry socks for a baby born in August.  Trust me, I’ve seen that.

For some reason, this time I keep leaning towards cute.

I love cute things, but I rarely buy them for babies other than my own.

But my head keeps telling me that I’m being selfish, and to get something that can be used many times, rather than a froggy hooded towel.

Persuade me…


3 Responses to “Cute or Practical?”

  1. marvel Says:

    Help me understand why a baby gift can’t be both “cute” and “useful.” What is an example of a cute gift that is not useful? (I’m assuming weird books and wool socks aren’t cute.)

    Because the froggy-headed towel? Useful.

  2. La Petite Acadienne Says:

    I’m all for the froggy towel. I used hooded towels all the time when my wee one was…well…wee!

  3. Awesomemom Says:

    Get one of each. I like to get a variety of smaller things for the shower gift, that way the chances are greater that something will be appreciated.

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