Monday Teeny Poll » Teeny Manolo

Monday Teeny Poll

By Glinda

Thanksgiving seems like such a long time ago, does it not?

It seems that almost all of you are in it for the stuffing, with 48% of the vote.  Dessert and alcohol tied at 14% (imagine that) and turkey came in with 11%.  Which is suprising because I don’t know all that many people who are crazy about turkey.  NOBODY voted for sweet potatoes, which boggles the mind. Your house must not feature the ones my sister makes.

Today I wish to ask your opinion of this rather highly rated shirt from a popular tween store called Justice.  I want to warn you that it is made of polyester.

2 Responses to “Monday Teeny Poll”

  1. KESW Says:

    Hey now, Great-Aunt Eunice wore the exact same shirt on her competition shuffleboard cruise in ’88! Don’t be hatin’!

  2. bpetro Says:

    Exactly! I was thinking this would be something Mrs. Roper would wear. 🙂

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