2011 » October » 12 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 12th, 2011

Is Beyonce Faking It?

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011
By Glinda

So these pictures have surfaced of Beyonce’s baby bump looking a bit worse for wear as she is sitting down.

And I will be honest, in the pictures it looks a little weird.  I know my baby bumps didn’t move AT ALL, no matter what I did.

I will be suspending judgement for the time being, but I did a little research and came up with this:

Beyonce on August 29, 2011 at the MTV awards.

Compare to this picture on September 7, 2011:


Now listen, I am certainly no pregnancy expert but does her bump actually look smaller in the picture taken a week after?

Maybe it was the extra fabric on the dress giving it some extra shape or something, but I will admit that it has me scratching my head a bit.  Supposedly there is a rumor floating around that she is having a surrogate carry her child.  If that is the case, which I’m not saying it is, I feel badly for her that she would feel she has to put on a charade.  Enough people use surrogates these days that I don’t see why there would be an issue.

What say you?


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