2011 » October » 11 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 11th, 2011

Pot Pops, Not My Cup of Tea

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
By Glinda

Speaking as someone who has never smoked even a tiny smidgen of a joint, (for serious) if I had seen this candy or even eaten it as a child, I highly doubt it would have led me onto the path of doing drugs.

Doing drugs just isn’t the way I roll, yo.  I don’t really even get drunk.

And yes, I am a fun person to hang out with.

That being said, I really don’t think these cannabis-shaped lollipops are a great idea.  They contain no marijuana so I don’t quite see the point, but maybe normalizing it to a younger generation is what they are trying to do?

Pot is still illegal, no matter how many people wish it wasn’t, so this would be a no for my son’s Halloween bag.

But mmmmmm, sour apple….


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