I Thought Everyone Knew This Already… » Teeny Manolo

I Thought Everyone Knew This Already…

By Glinda

Roseart doesn’t even have the decency to melt correctly!

Once, long ago, as a newbie mom, I bought some Roseart crayons for the Munchkin. I mean, the price was so cheap! How could I not buy them? Then I figured out that Roseart crayons are the equivalent to the free crayons you get with the kids’ menus at restaurants. Which suck. So, never again did Roseart darken my shopping cart.

reddit via buzzfeed

4 Responses to “I Thought Everyone Knew This Already…”

  1. marvel Says:

    Was that someone’s science fair project?

  2. Glinda Says:

    I think she was trying to create an art canvas of a perfect melted crayon rainbow.

  3. marvel Says:

    I jest! I jest! But seriously, it would make a cool science project for a young elementary student, particular since it seems that some colors melt more than others. I wonder if the pigments differentially contribute to the melting process?

  4. Awesome Mom Says:

    I don’t know, I actually prefer crayons that are not as likely to melt since often I will leave some in my car in case of crayon emergencies.

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