Sleep Deprivation Makes You a Jerk
By GlindaAccording to this article in the Washington Post, researchers
… found that a lack of sleep led not just to poor performance on tasks that require “innovative thinking, risk analysis, and strategic planning”—though studies have shown all those to be true—but also to increased deviant and unethical behavior in both groups. Examples included rudeness, inappropriate responses and attempts to take more money than they’d earned.
And that is why my friends who are also mothers of young children and I have decided to go ahead and form a posse. We’re toying with the name “Bad Muthas” but someone else suggested “Bad Mamma Jammas” and I’m sure we’ll have an argument about it before the final decision.
We will go around town with our strollers, terrorizing the locals with our rude behavior. Why, when we order something at the local Starbucks, we WILL not tip.
Then when someone asks us about how our day is going, we will point to our “special snowflakes” and ask them how they think it is going when we have to deal with twenty pound dictators all day long. We will then rough them up and take their wallet.
Membership in the posse will be terminated once your child starts sleeping through the night, no exceptions.
We can’t afford the chance that one of our number might act ethically due to getting enough sleep.
When you see the stroller brigade coming your way, be very afraid.
May 17th, 2011 at 8:50 am
“Why, when we order something at the local Starbucks, we WILL not tip.”
You mean you won’t tip if you order something straight off the menu or you won’t tip if you make all sorts of weird substitutions?
May 17th, 2011 at 3:39 pm
I am so in!