Monday Teeny Poll
By Glinda47% of you agreed that summer camps are a bit on the expensive side. 15% said that they weren’t sure, but the $800 a week robotics camp I mentioned sounded a bit pricey. And then, a full 36% of you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and chastised me for expecting a robotics camp to be cheap. Well, I hope all 36% of you are feeling better today.
Of all the official royal wedding pictures, the one making the most impact is the one where young flower girl Grace van Cutsem is doing a bit of a glower and covering her ears whilst the newlyweds kiss. Young Grace has become the hottest internet meme (although with the news of the death of Bin Laden, she might be usurped by tomorrow) around. But, is it appropriate in the first place?
May 2nd, 2011 at 10:43 am
She’s so adorable, it’s hard to resist “appropriating” the image, whether one should or not.