Monday Teeny Poll » Teeny Manolo

Monday Teeny Poll

By Glinda

Last week I asked how you would feel about vacationing with extended family, and 53% of you categorized it as possibly pleasant.  Which is technically indecisive because only 14% said it would be great.  31% are of the mindset that it would basically be akin to torture, and it’s good to have those that are brutally honest with themselves.

Today I’ve got a question for you that oddly enough, I’ve never asked on this parenting-centric blog.

3 Responses to “Monday Teeny Poll”

  1. class factotum Says:

    I never had any conflict with my dad, who died 13 years ago. I love my mom and like her but sometimes she drives me crazy. My husband doesn’t understand it – he says that the things she does that bug me wouldn’t bother me if someone else did them, which is true. I think my mom and I are too much alike and that’s the problem. But I do love her and try very hard not to let things annoy me because they’re tiny little things and they are not worth worrying about.

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Not wonderfully, but not terribly either. My husband and I would both rather visit my parents than his.

  3. Awesome Mom Says:

    We get along well for short periods of time and then they begin to remind me why I was so keen to move out of the house in the first place. I would probably kill myself if for any reason I had to move back in with them.

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