Son of a Diddly!
Tuesday, December 28th, 2010By Glinda
A couple weeks before winter break, the Munchkin came home upset because he had gotten into trouble at school.
When pressed for details, he lied about the incident, claiming it was because he had called another child’s drawing “stupid.”
While not a fantastic thing to do, I wondered why he was so emotional about it, when the truth finally came out. Well, it came out after being badgered about it for the remainder of the day by moi, as my Spidey-senses told me all was not as it seemed.
Turns out, a fellow classmate had accused him of saying the word hell in a non-opposite-of-heaven way.
He swore up and down that he didn’t say it at all, and claimed to not even know what it meant.
I’m on the fence as to whether he did say it or not, but I’m pretty sure he knows what it means.
Did the Munchkin get punished?
Well he did, but not for the cussing part. He got punished for not being upfront about what had happened.
Because yelling at him for cussing? Pot, meet kettle.
You see, my father, who was a very fix-it type of guy, would curse up a storm every time he worked on a project. So if he had to fix a leaky sink, my young self would stand in the kitchen, see a waist and a pair of legs sticking out from the cabinet doors, and hear a stream of curses that would make any sailor blush.
Did I cuss in elementary school? You betcha. And I was a very straight-laced honor student at a Catholic school.
I was just smart enough not to cuss around anybody that would tell on me.
I truly try not to curse in front of my children, and I would say I am 99.8% successful. But one of his best buddies is an 11 year old from a home that has a lot of salty language being thrown about, not to mention my in-laws not watching their language around him, or even my own dad on occasion. Oh, and my own husband isn’t all that great at keeping his language perfectly clean either.
Yes, I know all about the people who say that cussing means you are ignorant and haven’t the language skills to truly express your outrage, so cursing is just a way of flaunting your lack of vocabulary.
Actually, I think the people who go around saying made-up expressions are worse. You can go around all day and spout nonsensical expressions, but when you stub your toe against the bedpost, “fiddlesticks” just will not do.