Best and Worst Baby Names of 2010
Tuesday, December 21st, 2010By Glinda
According to the Daily Beast, anyway…
At the top were names such as Louis Bardo, Marcello Daniel, and Cosima. All right, I’m down with those. But Billie Beatrice? Amadeus Benedict Edley Luis? Nelly May Lois? I’m sorry, but I am so not feeling them. For some reason, I don’t like when girls are named boy names. I know, I’m an old fogey and anti-feminist, but I just think that when I see a name on a piece of paper, I should know if it is a boy or girl. Feel free to flog me publicly. Don’t get me started on the Amadeus one, which the site praises for it’s mix of “style, ethnicities, and eras.” Do they not know people are going to follow him around on the playground singing the refrain to a rather bad but unforgettable 80’s pop song? And Nelly May Lois sounds like someone who spends most of her time being mean to people at a bingo parlor.
At the bottom were gems like Buddy Bear Maurice, Sundance Thomas, and Draco. Jamie Oliver (who is currently winning his CDF round) is perpetrator of the Ursa major, and Draco comes courtesy of one former Ms. Winnie Cooper. I’m not totally up in arms about Draco, though. At least it’s a literary name, not one that’s made up. They also slammed Vera Farmiga about her choice of name, which was an ethnic Lithuanian one. I’m not cool with making fun of names from other cultures, so I take issue with that one.
It’s a hectic week my friends, so posting this week? Totally on the light and fluffy side… Hope you don’t mind.