2010 » December » 11 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for December 11th, 2010

The Munchkinette Mix

Saturday, December 11th, 2010
By Glinda

As a Saturday bonus because I was way late in posting the CDF, I give you the Munchkinette Mix.

What exactly, Glinda, is the Munchkinette Mix, is what you are asking.

Well, we SAHM’s sometimes have to do inconsequential things like go to the bathroom. Sometimes we don’t feel like having a visitor with us in the bathroom, and so we must secure our children somewhere and make sure they stay safe and happy for however long it’s going to take. Many people put their children in a playpen and have them watch something educational, like Sesame Street. Well, I tried that, but no luck.

After much trial and error, it was discovered that the Munchkinette really, really likes music videos. She’s partial to 80’s music, but she’ll give new stuff a try. She will only tolerate one video by a female artist, but at least it’s a kickass song. So, here is some music for your weekend listening/watching pleasure, courtesty of my one year old music fanatic.

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

Saturday, December 11th, 2010
By Glinda

Well, it’s still Friday in my timezone, even if that’s technically cheating.  What can I say, the holidays are coming up and I have child who suddenly refuses to sleep in her crib for more than a half hour at a time.  Holy co-sleeping Batman, it’s putting a real crimp in my style!

And Neil Patrick Harris put a big crimp in the style of one Mr. Ben Stiller, who was sent home packing with only 30% of the vote. 

Now we’ve got yet another funny guy up as competition.  Let’s see how he does…


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