Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0 » Teeny Manolo

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

By Glinda

Are you still in your jammies? Or have you already been to your Black Friday sales?

Either way, Neil Patrick Harris won yet again, this time over Alex Rodriguez.  Is it because he is a Yankee? Or is it, as my husband said, he looks like he has to go #2?  After I posted the picture and he said that, I sort of agreed with him, but then defended myself by saying that if it looked that bad then Details Magazine should never have published it.  Amirite?

Today’s dreamy British challenger is best known to American audiences for his role in Inception.  He has a two year old son, and I, for one, totally look forward to seeing him in many more movies. 

And I swear by all that is holy, I will keep this shirtless streak alive until at least Christmas.


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