Let’s (Not) Talk About Sex or How Glinda is a Big Chicken » Teeny Manolo

Let’s (Not) Talk About Sex or How Glinda is a Big Chicken

By Glinda


Scene: Glinda and the Munchkin reading a book at bedtime. Book is large encyclopedia about animals.

Munchkin: (turning pages to choose which animal he wants to read about next) This one!

Glinda: Let me see… (views page header that reads: Alligators and Their Breeding Habits)

Munchkin: Yeah, I want to read about alligators!

Glinda: (hastily attempts to turn page) No, this part isn’t all that interesting.

Munchkin: But it looks really interesting, look at the eggs!

Glinda: Seriously, it’s not all that interesting, I promise (keeps turning pages frantically). Oooh look, how about we learn about bi-valve mollusks instead?

Munchkin: (disappointed) They don’t look all that great to me.

Glinda: Trust me, they are way better than some stupid old alligators. (Furtively wipes brow in relief, swearing that one day soon, she will not panic when faced with reading about sperm, mating rituals, and fertilized eggs to her seven year old.)

One Response to “Let’s (Not) Talk About Sex or How Glinda is a Big Chicken”

  1. Jennie Says:

    Even more fun (or bizarre) is Isabella Rossellini’s Green Porn series on Sundance.com. I haven’t figured out if it’s meant for Scandinavian children or kinky adults.

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