Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0 » Teeny Manolo

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

By Glinda

Well, it was a a bit of a squeaker, but Hugh Laurie managed to beat Colin Firth by thirteen percentage points, which is the closest anyone has come so far to knocking him out.

I’ve got another Brit for you today, and I think Mr. Laurie might enter the CDF Hall of Fame if he beats this guy.

Hugh Laurie


Clive Owen

5 Responses to “Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    Clive Owen always reminds me of a waxed chimpanzee. And (apropos of nothing) earlier this week I actually ran into Colin Firth on the street. I guess he’s in Vangroover for the Olympics. Looks just as good in person, if thinner.

  2. Sarah Says:

    Um, did you lick Colin Firth for me?

  3. Glinda Says:

    I lurve Clive Owen, he is tres sexy, especially with those eyes!

  4. Glinda Says:

    @Sarah, I don’t have any affinity for Colin, so no, I forgot to lick him for you!

  5. raincoaster Says:

    After watching the Bridget Jones movies, I am getting an affinity for Colin and no, I kept my tongue to myself, for once.

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