Things I Love: California Baby Calendula Cream* » Teeny Manolo

Things I Love: California Baby Calendula Cream*

By Glinda

California Baby Calendula Cream

When my daughter was first born, she began to get little red bumps all over her face, probably due to exposure to the detergent on our clothes.  Then, because it was dry and cold, she began to get flaky, dry skin everywhere, but especially her face.  Using the humidifier wasn’t helping.

So I went to my local Mother’s Market and asked the nearest salesperson about the best baby cream to use for infant “skin issues” as I delicately put it to her.  I wasn’t about to say that my daughter looked like a molting, pimply teenager.

She directed me to the California Baby products, and also mentioned a few other contenders as well.  I have used California Baby products before, namely their sunscreen, and have been happy with the results.

So, I chose the Calendula Cream, and it has been nothing short of fabulous. It hydrated her skin and cleared up the rashes overnight!  If only we adults could find something so effective.  Although I’m sure her newborn-ness has something to do with it as well.

I’m also currently using it for her chin and upper chest area, where she can get a little bumpy since her number one goal in life is to chew her fingers as much as possible now that she has the arm control to do so.  I’m also using it after bathtime on her diaper area, mostly just because I can.

In short, I highly recommend this good-smelling, lightweight, all natural cream.  The jar says that Mom can use it as a night cream, and I have to say I’m highly tempted!

*I did not receive any samples or fees to review this product.

3 Responses to “Things I Love: California Baby Calendula Cream*”

  1. PaperPusher Says:

    I have to say I didn’t particularly like CB’s subscreen products (and still on hunt for the perfect one for my daughter) but this calendula cream is I concur wonderful. I don’t like the lotion as much though – the cream seems to have better coverage and absorb better/quicker. The lotion seems to sit on top of her skin for awhile.

  2. enygma Says:

    I don’t have anything to say about CB, but as for adult products, I recommend Derma Doctor ( I have Keratosis Pilaris, which, while unsightly, isn’t painful. However, when I started using Derma Doctor KP Duty Moisturizing Therapy, the condition started resolving itself to a certain extent. While it can never be completely healed, it looks less inflamed and my skin feels more smooth.

  3. Pencils Says:

    One time when my daughter was very young, I tried the California Baby diaper spray on her. It specifically says “non-burning” on it. She didn’t have a rash, just a red, irritated butt. My baby SHRIEKED when I sprayed it on her. I felt so terribly, terribly guilty that I hurt my baby, and I washed it off as quickly as I could, and put on a thick layer of Desitin, which worked fine, as it always has for me. After that, all the California Baby products I had (which were only a couple, they were gifts) went in the trash.

    I personally love MD Mom’s Baby Silk products, especially the wipes and the lotion. They have a very light scent, and don’t irritate my daughter’s skin while leaving it all soft and baby-perfect. And for bathtime, I use Kiehl’s Foaming baby wash. Washes well, and rinses right out, which is important when bathing babies.

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