2010 » January » 25 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for January 25th, 2010

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, January 25th, 2010
By Glinda


A full sixty-five percent of you claimed that you are only moderately addicted to the intenet, and only fifteen percent were completely honest and said they were totally addicted. Bravo to you, my friends, and maybe you should form a support group. Eleven percent of you lied through your teeth and said you could totally walk away at any time, and I don’t believe you.

I would say that I’m somewhat addicted, although much of my surfing I can mask as “research” for my job here, and then I feel totally justified in looking at all the celebrity baby photos. If my husband complains about the time I’m spending, I simply hiss, “It’s for the blog” and he immediately shuts up. It’s nice.

Anyhoo, it’s been a really long time since I last cut my hair thanks to the baby, and it is really long. Like, down past my bra line. But, I’m going to be 39 in a month or so (yes, I’m a Pisces and I’m very sensitive) and I have an infant and I’m wondering if I should cut it fairly short. If I cut it at about chin length, I would have more than enough hair to donate. Am I fooling myself about my long hair looking good on me still?*

*This picture is not up there to imply that I, in any way, look like Christie Brinkley.

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