2010 » January » 09 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for January 9th, 2010

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

Saturday, January 9th, 2010
By Glinda

Oh my, it has been a while, hasn’t it? It’s been so long I can barely remember who the contestants were, or perhaps it is because I have become very forgetful in my advancing years. Either way, it isn’t good.

Looking back a few weeks ago, I find that Bruce Springsteen delivered a whupping to one Mr. Tom Cruise, volleyball scene or no volleyball scene. Apparently Mr. Cruise’s oddness is too much for many of you to look past. To that I say tsk, tsk, but what can I do? It’s supposed to be based solely on looks, but it seems you are a group with principles. Whatever.

And so I am taking a suggestion from qc in the peanut gallery, and featuring an Englishman who currently plays an American doctor on television. Although you may also be familiar with him in this film:

Allrighty then…

bruce springsteen


Hugh Laurie


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