Monday Teeny Poll » Teeny Manolo

Monday Teeny Poll

By Glinda

Discarded wrapping paper

Last week I asked how you felt about those holiday newsletters, and a fifty-six percent majority of you felt that as long as they were done well, all is good.  But a significant chunk, almost thirty percent, tend to do an eye roll as they read about all the “accomplishments” of the writer and their family.  Only three percent of you are grinchy enough to toss them in the fireplace, though.

Now that the holidays are (mostly) over, what happens in the aftermath of gift giving?

2 Responses to “Monday Teeny Poll”

  1. dr nic Says:

    I picked sigh and hold out hope for my birthday. Mostly because my birthday is 11 days after Christmas, so many times I don’t get something I want for Christmas and then I’d get it for my birthday.

    If it doesn’t come for my birthday, I’d likely buy it for myself if it was something I could afford.

  2. Awesome Mom Says:

    I got some fun gifts but it was quite apparent that my husband was shopping for himself. He got me movies that were all ones that he would like and not ones that I would really care for. I can shop for myself though.

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