Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0 » Teeny Manolo

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

By Glinda

As we wind our way out of the 80’s, it seems that Bruce Springsteen is a suprisingly strong CDF contestant.  Not only did he win against Bruce Willis, he triumphed against Jon Bon Jovi, he of the large 80’s hair and (IMHO) bad songs.  Yeah, yeah, I know they were popular and sold a lot of records, but so have Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Even though public opinon on him is currently divided, there was no question that this next contender practically ruled the 80’s movie screen.  Let’s not think of him as the “couch-jumper” but rather the dashing pilot with the cool motorcycle.  Oh, and the volleyball scene couldn’t hurt, either. Speaking as a former volleyball player and collegiate-level assistant coach, I can tell you that as much as I love Goose, it is obvious he cannot play volleyball to save his life.

bruce springsteen


tom cruise top gun

4 Responses to “Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0”

  1. La Petite Acadienne Says:

    Aesthetically, Tom is better-looking, but the crazy, couch-jumping, Scientology part of him reduces his attractiveness tenfold.

  2. qc Says:

    Sadly I am going to have to vote for “none of the above”. How about tossing in some Hugh Laurie?

  3. Sarah G. Says:

    No, Val Kilmer- the early, non bloaty years.

  4. Glinda Says:

    Part of the problem is that some of these guys aren’t dads. Although maybe I should just stop caring about that.

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