Things I Hate: Chevy Traverse Commercial with Howie Long » Teeny Manolo

Things I Hate: Chevy Traverse Commercial with Howie Long

By Glinda

You know, normally I am the very last person to dislike a child.

But for some reason, I dislike the character this child plays in this commercial. I’m very tired of the “precocious redhead” type, thank you very much.

Even Welch’s Grape Juice got the picture after a while. Have you seen an ad of theirs lately featuring a wise-beyond-their-years preschooler? Nope, I thought not.

I’m all right with a kid just being a kid, not some sort of wise know-it-all. Because nobody likes a know-it-all. Especially a crabby woman with a newborn who isn’t getting enough sleep.

2 Responses to “Things I Hate: Chevy Traverse Commercial with Howie Long”

  1. mollyann Says:

    Also . . . is Maggie wearing makeup? I find the idea of a 6 year old wearing makeup to be rather disturbing.

    Makeup aside, there’s something about her face in that last shot which reminds me of a tiny Elizabeth I.

  2. Ashley Says:

    I cannot stand that Chevy commercial with that little red head girl. I cringe every single time it comes on.

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