Guess the Celebrity Baby Game » Teeny Manolo

Guess the Celebrity Baby Game

By Glinda

Our wonderful friend Liz is on a winning streak, as she again correctly guessed that the young chap pictured in our last game was David Duchovny! Liz, your prize is either a fake FBI badge or a week’s worth of sex addiction therapy.


As for today, here is our featured young lady…


5 Responses to “Guess the Celebrity Baby Game”

  1. Liz Says:

    Mmmm, can I just have David? Haha!

  2. Mr. Henry Says:

    Kristin Stewart?

  3. Sarahcat Says:

    Courtney Love!

  4. Pencils Says:

    Jennifer Garner?

  5. raincoaster Says:

    Katie Holmes?

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