Monday Teeny Poll » Teeny Manolo

Monday Teeny Poll

By Glinda

Balloon boy

Last week I wanted to know what you thought of Hilary Swank and her admitting that her boyfriend’s six year old son sees her naked.   From what I understand, it was both when she was in bed (uh, nice) and possibly walking around.  A full sixty-eight percent of you felt that it was very inappropriate.  Twenty percent thought that everyone should just relax.

I happen to think that especially since she is not his mom, it is highly inappropriate.  I mean, the kid is six years old, does he really need to see his dad’s girlfriend naked after she spent the night? Sorry, but yuck. 

As for today’s question, I HAVE to ask about balloon-boy and his family.  If you were sick with the flu for the past few days or under some sort of rock, here’s a link to the story.

3 Responses to “Monday Teeny Poll”

  1. J Says:

    No, but only because I think that kids are almost always better off with their parents than in foster care. I’m guessing they’ll be going to live with grandparents anyway, because (hopefully) the parents will be going to prison.

  2. class factotum Says:

    I don’t want the parents in prison simply because that costs us money. But an enormous fine, in addition to having to pay back the search costs? That would be OK.

  3. Pencils Says:

    A hoax using the kids where the child was never in any danger isn’t a reason to remove a child from his or her parents’ custody, in my opinion. Being taken from home is incredibly traumatic for a child, and only should be done when the child is in danger. I don’t think those kids are in danger, just very badly parented. But I haven’t read much of the coverage, there may be facts that would make me vote for the kids to removed.

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