Guess the Celebrity Baby Game » Teeny Manolo

Guess the Celebrity Baby Game

By Glinda

It seems that I went much too easy on you with the last game, and dr. nic was able to instantly guess that our infamous blonde was none other than Paris Hilton. Congratulations! You’ve won a collection of crazy headbands and tiaras just like Paris loves to sport. Wear them with, uh, pride…

Photobucketfamousbaby13Paris Hilton

Today’s young boy hit his peak a while back, but you DO know who he is…


3 Responses to “Guess the Celebrity Baby Game”

  1. qc Says:

    Jon Gosslin? Not a celebrity but the name sprang to mind.

  2. marvel Says:

    Mark Hamill?

  3. Liz Says:

    Ricky Martin?

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