2009 » October » 08 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 8th, 2009

Jessica Alba and Honor: They’ve Got the Blues

Thursday, October 8th, 2009
By Glinda

Jessica Alba and daughter Honor

How Much Would You Pay to Sleep?

Thursday, October 8th, 2009
By Glinda

Nap Nanny

As my due date approaches, so does my baby shower.  We decided to have only one since this is my second child, even though to be honest, after seven years, some of the Munchkin’s stuff did not hold up all that well.  Seems a hot, dusty garage combined with a husband who carelessly wrapped or flat-out failed to wrap things properly made for some fairly unusable items.

So I’ve been looking through baby product reviews and such, and ran across something called the Nap Nanny.  This product purports to assist the sleep of infants by virtue of being angled and soft and whatnot, an improvement upon the wedge.  It supposedly works especially well for infants who have colic, reflux, gas, and other ailments that keep everyone up at night. 

Now, if it does indeed work as well as it says it does, and as well as the testimonials on the website claim, I would have bought this in a heartbeat for the colicky Munchkin, who was up all night long letting the neighborhood know that he was not a happy camper.  For the first six months of his life, my husband and I were walking zombies, barely able to function due to lack of sleep.  But sadly, it was not around seven years ago, and my mind has blessedly blurred many of the memories of that horrible time, which is probably why I’m OK with having another baby.

The Nap Nanny comes with a fairly steep price tag of $129.00, and it is unclear exactly how long it is usable.  It is also considered bedding, and thus nonreturnable.

Would you take a chance and pay that much money, and be out of luck if it didn’t work? 

Or is a good night’s sleep pretty much priceless?

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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