2009 » October » 07 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 7th, 2009

Celebrity Mom Style: Martha Stewart Knows Better than to Wear All White

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009
By Glinda

Martha Stewart and Michelin Man

Parenting Mag Bites the Dust

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009
By Glinda

Cookie Cover

Oh lousy economy, look what you’ve done. You’ve gone and killed “Cookie” magazine.  Publisher Conde Nast announced that Cookie, along with Gourmet and a couple of bridal mags were to be no more.  No word, though, if Cookie would live on in an online incarnation.

But you know what?  I sort of dislike parenting magazines, and Cookie was one that never particularly spoke to me. 

Although it is entirely possible that I am in entirely the wrong tax bracket to have Cookie “speak” to me, and maybe they didn’t particularly care.

Like most magazines nowadays, it became more about advertisements than content, and much of the content was beyond recycled, which is partly why I stopped reading parenting magazines.  I mean, there are only so many articles you can write about teething, or healthy snack recipes, or the “terrible twos” before it gets mighty repetitive.

I also found that each parenting magazine has a tight market they are trying to appeal to, such as working parents, and almost all articles will be biased in the direction of their target market.  Boo.

Basically, Cookie wasn’t bringing a whole lot of new ideas to the table, yet doing it in the most pretentious way possible. 

So, sorry if I don’t shed a tear for the demise of Cookie.

I will, though, shed a tear for all the people that are finding themselves out of a job. Good luck to them.

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