Listmania! Back to School Shoes for Boys » Teeny Manolo

Listmania! Back to School Shoes for Boys

By Glinda

It seems that boys go through shoes more quickly than girls. I don’t know if it’s because they are in the dirt more, or in the case of my own son, just sort of like destroying them on their own for no good reason.

One day at the end of the school year he came home from school and had no shoelaces on one shoe. This despite the fact that he had left the house with two perfectly good shoes. Unfortunately, they were the kind of shoes that have self-enclosed shoelaces, so without them, the shoe was useless. No amount of wheedling, threatening, or bribing would induce him to tell me what happened to those laces. It remains a mystery to this very day.

So, like me, in case you need some replacement shoes for the fall, here are some suggestions.

Sperry Kids - Anchor HL (Youth) (Black) - Footwear

Sperry Kids – Anchor HL
Who said stylish and school can’t go together?

Vans Kids - Classic Slip-On (Toddler/Youth) ((TM Plaid 09) Espresso/Blue Moon) - Footwear
Vans Kids – Classic Slip-On.  These never go out of style, do they?

Converse Kids – Chuck Taylor All Star Slip
Converse Kids – Chuck Taylor All Star Ox
.  With or without laces, it’s their choice.

Merrell Kids - Jungle Moc (Toddler/Youth) (Gunsmoke) - Footwear
Merrell Kids – Jungle Moc These tough shoes will take him anywhere!

PhotobucketNike Kids – T-run II ALT Shoes that look great and feel great too!

PhotobucketSchool Issue – Scholar These quality shoes are at a price that won’t hurt your wallet.

PhotobucketTsukihoshi Kids – Euro These are some cool kicks!

PhotobucketConverse Kids – Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Yes, the hi-tops are still a favorite.

PhotobucketDC Kids – Pure These skate shoes were given high ratings for style.

PhotobucketStride Rite – TT Transporter A sturdy, versatile shoe.

PhotobucketTimberland Kids – Carlsbad Slip-On It will take a lot for him to destroy these!

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One Response to “Listmania! Back to School Shoes for Boys”

  1. Barbara Says:

    The Jungle Mocs by Merrill are awesome! My daughter is on her 3rd pair. The first being her first sturdy walking shoes. They are indestructable. They are also nice and flexible for beginning walkers.

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