Friday Caption Contest: Wakey-Wakey Edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest: Wakey-Wakey Edition

By raincoaster

We are back from the land of the Blogathon flu and feeling somewhat like the below:

wakey wakey

Captions in the comments, as always.

And we’re announcing our winner from last week’s Lady Kermit pic:

Lady Kermit

John Pruitt Says:
July 24th, 2009 at 6:55 pm

You’re going to have go go through a lot of frogs before finding your prince.

Congrats and imaginary swag to John for his first win in our highly-competitive caption contest. What shall we hypothetically present to our champeen? For wet and wild times, what could be better than this snazzy skimboard by Rick Lutz?

Rick Lutz skimboard

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5 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest: Wakey-Wakey Edition”

  1. Sarah G. Says:

    We are not amused

    Didn’t you see the do not disturb sign?

    Where’s my dang bottle?

  2. TeleriB Says:

    “When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not.”

  3. John Pruitt Says:

    I play well with others….others,not you.

  4. gemdiva Says:

    That child proof cap on Mummy’s valium, isn’t.

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