Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0 » Teeny Manolo

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

By Glinda

Apparently in the year 2009, we have absolutely no love for the hairy.  Sorry, Burt Reynolds.  I won’t embarass him further by stating his margin of loss.  It was ugly.  As ugly as you all thought his hairy body was.

Today we’ve got a man considered one of the most handsome to ever grace the big screen as our challenger.  Watch your (presumably non-hairy) back, McQueen!




4 Responses to “Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0”

  1. PaperPusher Says:

    This is really cruel. Must you? For the first time I’m completely stumped.

  2. Glinda Says:

    I must, I must!

  3. class factotum Says:

    Robert Redford has not aged well. He is why I wear sunblock and a hat.

    And he annoys me.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    I was on a bus that nearly flattened him. Silly cyclist shouldn’t zip straight through intersections to the right of buses that are turning right. If we’d hit him, we’d all have had to flee to another continent or something

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