2008 » December » 06 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for December 6th, 2008

Hot Mama Tip: Deals on Gift Sets for the Holidays

Saturday, December 6th, 2008
By Glinda

There are some people who feel that the more makeup they can experiment with, the better. And the best way to do that is to give them gift sets, which usually allow them to sample the best a product line has to offer. Here are some of my picks, made exclusively for Sephora. And even better, for a limited time you can get free shipping on orders of $25 or more by entering the code SEPHORA2 at checkout.

PhotobucketStila Shine On Gift Of Glaze A $48.00 value for only $22.00! Let them experience some of the best lip glosses EVAH with this great holiday set. I don’t really know anyone who doesn’t like Stila Lip Glazes. Serious.

PhotobucketLORAC Multi-Platinum Palette All right, even if you don’t like makeup all that much, this deal is too good to pass up. Especially for fantastic LORAC makeup, which I lurve. All you pay is $37.00, but it’s worth $120.00! I hate math so I’m not going to do the percentages, but dudes, it’s a steal!

PhotobucketToo Faced World Domination Tour All Access Backstage Beauty Collection Another amazing value at only $34.00 but with a value of $150.00 It contains eyeshadows, bronzers, lip glosses, and too many other things to mention! And I have to say, it looks beautiful, too.

PhotobucketUrban Decay Best Of Urban Set The cult fave Urban Decay gives you some of their most popular items, including: Baked Heavy Metal Glitter Liner (bronze)- Half Baked Eyeshadow (subtle, lustrous bronze)- Bourbon 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil (brown with teeny gold glitter)- Eyeshadow Primer Potion (ultra-sheer nude eye base) for only $32.00. A $48.00 value!

PhotobucketSephora Brand Scent Sampler Best Sellers For Her What a fantastic idea, and for only $50.00. It allows you to sample more than ten of the top-selling fragrances (including Vera Wang Princess and Aquolina Pink Sugar) at your leisure. Because nothing sucks worse than going to a store and trying a bajillion fragrances to find one you like, since they start running together after the third one. After you decide which one suits you, off you go to Sephora to redeem a coupon for a full-sized version! And the full sized-version is worth $80.00! Tell me how you can go wrong on this one.

Hell No, Kitty!

Saturday, December 6th, 2008
By raincoaster

It’s not the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last, that I steal a headline from Michael K at DListed. How could I not, with that line?

Taiwan is home to an unusual maternity hospital; one entirely decked out in Hello Kitty accoutrements (can you ever have enough?). Is this, as ITN suggests in the following video, just “a sneaky way of making the father suffer through pain and nausea during childbirth,” or is it as the marketers would have us believe, a way of relaxing mothers and ensuring that they and their baby feel safe and loved during the birthing experience?

Tsai said, “I wish everyone who comes here – mothers suffer while giving birth, and children suffer with their sickness – to receive medical care while seeing this Kitty, it brings a smile to their faces, helps them forget about discomfort and recover faster.”

Or is it just an appallingly tacky money grab?

What say you? If you’d decided to give birth in a hospital, would you pick Hello Kitty Hospital or Barbie Dream Ob/Gyn Clinic over Yourville General?

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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