Friday Caption Contest Results: Technical Difficulties Edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest Results: Technical Difficulties Edition

By raincoaster

I’ve had so many technical difficulties I haven’t even been able to get back to this post until now! But it is (long past) time to announce our winner from a week ago. Both suggestions were good, but There Can Be Only One.

bad clone

Sarah G. Says:

Jimmy found it much harder to pick out his next sibling than he originally thought.

Kudos (whatever they are; surely they don’t mean that vile little sticky candy bar? She deserves better) and imaginary swag to Sarah G, our winner this week. In keeping with our scientific theme, we hypothetically present this ultra-swanky grown-up chemical seticon from Pampalona, for mixing up concoctions both mysterious and powerful.


2 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest Results: Technical Difficulties Edition”

  1. Sarah G. Says:

    Woo Hoo!

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Congrats! Imaginary party at your place.

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