Rage Against the (Washing) Machine » Teeny Manolo

Rage Against the (Washing) Machine

By raincoaster

Oh, it’s not the first time we’ve featured a singing daddy YouTube on TeenyManolo. But this is definitely the first time we’ve featured a singing daddy YouTube inspired by anti-establishmentarian rockers Rage Against The Machine. The song is by Jon Lajoie, it’s titled Stay At Home Dad and the beat is hardcore.

The lyrics, not so much.

via TheAdventuresOfTheReluctantHousewife and NagOnTheLake

Lyrics over the jump:

Everybody sing along!

Stay at Home Dad

I’m a stay at home dad
I’m on paternity leave
I’m a stay at home dad
Just the baby and me
I’m a stay at home dad
While my wife’s at work
I got a bottle in my hand
and spit up on my shirt

Baby wakes me up around 5am
kicking and screaming
till his face turns red.
He usually tends to calm
down once he’s fed
so I give him his bottle
My wife gets out of bed.
Cook my wife’s breakfast
while she’s getting ready
Uh-oh, uh-oh,
someone’s diaper is smelly
Uh-oh, uh-oh,
it leaked all over his belly
Uh-oh, uh-oh,
it looks like mustard and jelly.
Kiss my wife bye
while I clean up his bum-bum
It’s time for his bath
this is gonna be fun-fun.
I try not to get soap in his eyes
He really doesn’t like it
It makes him cry.
But if he cries to make him stop
I’ve got a trick
I make funny noises
with my mouth like this.
Pbpbpbpbpbpbpllll, ga-ga goo-goo ga-ga-ga
Then we play peekaboo
it makes him laugh

I’m a stay at home dad
It’s a full time job
I’m a stay at home dad
But I like it a lot.

During his afternoon nap
I watch Price is Right and
I make myself a snack.

If I have errands to run
I take the van
Strap him in his carseat
And bring his baby bag.
I always make sure his seat’s
well strapped in.
My baby’s security is
Groceries, pay some bills,
visit grandma
But I gotta be sure
to be back by 4 o’clock
So I can prepare supper
while I watch Oprah.
Why should I make tonight?
Maybe some pasta?
And a ceasar salad
My wife will like that.
Five o’clock’s the time
that she gets back.
She asks me how my day was
I say not bad.
it’s all in a day’s work
as a stay at home dad.

I’m a stay at home dad
I don’t take drugs
I’m a stay at home dad
I get high on baby hugs
I’m like Winnie the Pooh
but my favorite Disney movie is
The Lion King II

I also like Ice Age.

That’s right; I take care of my children.
That’s right; I take care of my children.
That’s right; I take care of my children.
That’s right; I take care of my children.
That’s right; I take care of my children.
That’s right; I take care of my children.
That’s right; I take care of my children.
That’s right; I take care of my children.

One Response to “Rage Against the (Washing) Machine”

  1. alejna Says:

    That is too frickin’ funny. And one of the best post titles ever.

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