2008 » September » 29 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 29th, 2008

Monday Teeny Poll: Money Matters

Monday, September 29th, 2008
By Glinda


Last week I asked why you thought the US has the highest teen pregnancy rate for any industrialized nation, and the largest response was “they know the risks, but do it anyway” with the main excuse for the behavior being that as teens, their long-range thought process was not all that great.

I agree. It seems that we can tell teens lots of things, not to smoke, not to drink, not to have sex, but they do it anyway. Is it to be rebellious? Is the teen brain simply not wired so as to evaluate long-term consequences properly? Or is it an unfortunate combination of the two? If I knew the answer, I think I’d be rich.

I was at the park not so long ago, and I heard a woman talking to her friend. Now lest you think I was eavesdropping, she had a bluetooth on and anyone within a thirty foot radius could hear her. She said something about needing to get home. Why? Because she had to get back before her husband did so that she could hide a credit card bill he didn’t know about.

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