2008 » September » 24 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 24th, 2008

A Wee Bit Tasteless

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
By raincoaster

Can I get a British-to-North-American translator up in here? As near as I can make out, this anatomically correct doll’s name is Baby SomethingOrOther Pee Pee, and I’m not really sure I want to know what SomethingOrOther is. Maybe you could hold up, like, one finger if it’s a cutsie word, two if it’s a little bit off, three if it’s something that would make a nine-year-old giggle, four if it has featured in a Jason Biggs movie, five if it’s featured in a Pasolini movie, etc. Also: is it sexist if there’s no girl version of this doll, or is it sexist to be relieved there’s no girl version?

via CandyKirby

The New Mom Jeans?

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
By Glinda

Lately Katie Holmes has been pegging her jeans, just like I did back in the 80’s.


And the 80’s bring back warm and fuzzy nostalgia to me, not acid-fueled nightmares of Dexy’s Midnight Runners.


So I can’t help but look at these jeans and breathe a tiny sigh of hope that Katie might single-handedly usher in a new era of denim-wearing.  Gone with the extreme low-rise, muffin-top baring skinny jean and in with the baggy comfortable jeans that allow you to rival any squirrel in acorn storing capabilities!  Perfect for the fall!

Fashion is cyclical, is it not? Are we cycling back to an era where zippers are longer than an inch again?

I mean, I think I actually like it….

Wait, what am I talking about?  Lord help me, there is only one person who can stage an intervention for me.  Only one person who has the fashion savvy and brilliance to guide me out of my misguided affection:



Oh crap.  Never mind.

Bring on the pegged jeans!

Friday Caption Contest Results: Ferris Bueller All Grown Up Edition

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
By raincoaster

Somewhat belatedly, we announce the winner of last Friday’s caption contest:

Matthew Broderick and Son

Bellamama Says:

“Aw, come on, Dad! You said I could drive!”

Congratulations and imaginary swag to Bellamama, who perfectly captured the juvenile exasperation on display here. What shall we give her for virtual swag for the hypothetical ceremony? How about this zippy little number, the Vespa Gran Turismo?

Vespa GT

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