She’ll Get By With a Little Help…
Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008By Glinda
Illustration by Maryann Johnson
Dearest readers, in case you have not yet heard, the Manolosphere’s very own Never teh Bride has shared the exciting news that she is pregnant!
Yay for NtB and the Beard!
Upon my congratulating her, she replied:
I’m collecting all of the parenting tips I can from the comment section of Teeny Manolo…hopefully I’m internalizing all the right ones!
Now we do indeed have some of the most wise and brilliant commenters here in the halls of Teeny Manolo.
So, in the interests of helping NtB out as much as possible, what are some things that you dearly wish you would have known about ahead of time when it came to pregnancy and kids?
For myself, I wish someone would have warned me about the intense sleep deprivation that occurs during the first week of a newborn’s life. I would have arranged for some outside help for my husband and myself. Because even though he took off work, we both suffered greatly from the lack of sleep. Or maybe we’re just wimps, I don’t know.
Also, the best investment a pregnant woman can make (besides prenatal vitamins and health care, of course) is a great body pillow.
What about you? Please join in the fun!