2008 » September » 19 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 19th, 2008

Friday Caption Contest: Ferris Bueller All Grown Up Edition

Friday, September 19th, 2008
By Glinda

Shhhh, it’s me, Glinda.

And even though the lovely raincoaster asked me to take over the caption contest for today, I just feel sort of wrong. You know, like the wrong when you go looking through your friend’s medicine cabinet. Fascinated, but yet dreading what might happen. I doubt I’ll find anything incriminating. Right?

As odd as it feels, I must do my duty for all you caption contest fanatics.

So I present you with Matthew Broderick! On a scooter! With a helmet! And uh, accessories!

Come on, I know you’ve got it in you…


Arrrrrrrrrrrr yew ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day, Mateys?

Friday, September 19th, 2008
By raincoaster

Welcome to International Talk Like A Pirate Day, a day as sacred to us as International Put The Crocs Away Day. It’s amazing what a simple blog post looks like when put through the Talk Like A Pirate Day Translator (alternately, try the English Piratical version here). A mild-mannered post about suitable shoes for the fall becomes something unspeakably daring and somewhat vulgar, both disreputable and thrilling. In short: Fonziefying!
In other words:

Arrr, a mild-mannard post about suitable shoes for the fall becomes somethin’ unspeakably darin’ and somewhat ‘ulgar, both disreputable and thrillin’. In short: Fonziefyin’, shiver me timbers!

If your munchkin wants to partake of the piratification without parsing precious pixels, you could purchase this:

Pirate Pete's Talk like a Pirate Book

“Ye gots to be stubborn and mighty cranky,
Ye gots to be dirty and awfully stanky!
Ye gots to load a cannon and know how to fire it,
But most of all, ye gots to talk
like a pirate!”

Pirate Pete’s Talk Like a Pirate is as good a way as any to larn yez, and just in time for TLAP Day, it’s nearly a third off on sale! Bargoons ahoy!

Celebrity Dad Faceoff

Friday, September 19th, 2008
By Glinda

Ah Johhny, we just can’t seem to quit you.

Poor Han Solo, even Chewbacca couldn’t help him out of this one, as he only received twenty-three percent of the vote. 

Today’s challenger is one I debated on for a while with myself.  He has never been considered conventionally handsome, but he definitely has that certain something that draws you in.   Let’s see if this critically acclaimed actor’s something is enough to beat Johhny Depp.


Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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