Super Fantastic Stila Giveaway Part Deux: The Winners!
Monday, September 8th, 2008By Glinda
My sincerest apologies for not posting the winners on September 6, as I said I would. A family emergency pushed things back a couple of days, thank you so much for your patience.
First I would like to thank the wonderful, generous folks at Stila Cosmetics, without whom, none of these giveaways would have been possible. I was thrilled when they contacted me, and it makes me happy to give away such fabulous products to our readers. Glinda adores spreading beauty and super fantastic-ness!
I would also like to thank everyone who took the time to pen a haiku and enter the contest. With over 80 entries, all were so creative and fun to read. I have always maintained that the readers of Teeny Manolo are some of the most intelligent women on the internet, and this contest proved it.
So after much deliberation between Raincoaster, the Manolo, and myself, we finally have our winners!
Our Runner-Up is Pepper, who wrote this amusing gem:
Tears make raccoon eyes
Lipstick smears on his collar
I curse cheap makeup.
And finally, our Grand Prize goes out to Eileen with this evocative haiku:
When I was little
I rouged my face with chapstick
and hoped for beauty.