2008 » September » 05 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 5th, 2008

Friday Caption Contest: Rocking Japanese Elmo Edition

Friday, September 5th, 2008
By raincoaster

Oh, I should have expected this. So many stars, even those who are well-behaved at home, go a bit crazy once they get overseas. And we have heard ALL about Elmo!

Rocking Japanese Elmo

How Sweet!

Friday, September 5th, 2008
By raincoaster

Have you and your kids got your $250 tickets to celebrate Miley Cyrus’s Sweet Sixteen at Disneyland on October 5th (Miley Cyrus born Destiny Hope Cyrus on November 23rd)? Disney’s taking no chances on party guests being thin on the ground; they’ve piggybacked events in a way which would make even Porky blush:

Miley Cyrus is celebrating her Sweet Sixteen at Gay Days at Disneyland.

Gay Day Yay!

The 11th annual Gay Days event, which attracted 30,000 gays and lesbians to the park last year, actually takes place October 3-5. Gay Days describes itself as a “mix-in with straight parkgoers,” where the LGBT crowd wears red shirts.

Dress accordingly.

via Defamer

Hannah Montana candy looks like...

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